Joy Journal

Every Friday, you can receive the Joy Journal, which will give you information, inspiration and tips that you can use in your pursuit for joy.


Do you know your “ultimate goal?”

The Influence of Milestones

Ancient Romans placed stone pillars, or obelisks, along the sides of roads to mark the distance in miles between destinations—hence, the introduction of milestones.
Milestones serve many purposes today. Project managers use milestones to measure progress towards the ultimate goal. Parents look at milestones for their infants to ensure they are developing properly, and we use them throughout life to demarcate, celebrate and reflect.
My husband has a major milestone birthday next week, and we are getting away for the weekend to do a little celebrating. But I’m struck by the notion above of the “ultimate goal” above.
Do you know the ultimate goal for your life?
I’m not sure I’ve ever thought about it in such a singular way. I have specific goals for my business. I have visions for my future—professionally and personally. The hubby and I have grand plans for the post-full-time work periods of our lives.
But what is my ultimate goal? Can I boil it down to a phrase or a sentence?
Maybe “Spread joy. Pursue joy. Be joy.” I like the sound of that and will use my husband’s milestone birthday to reflect a little more.
What’s yours? I would love it if you would share it with me.

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