Say ‘NO’ to burnout!

Don’t wait to be happy.
Change your life today.

Is your work life feeling like a grind?


Professionals are burning out at record-setting rates because they:

  1. think feeling exhausted is part of the job,

  2. don’t have time to figure out what to do about it, or

  3. don’t know where to start to get unstuck.


Deep down, you know the way you’re living is not sustainable.

It is possible to achieve AND have joy simultaneously.


As a success-driven individual when faced with the decision for how to spend your time, your default choice is often work. You repeatedly postpone joy until your to-do list is complete, you’ve advanced in your career, and you’ve attained your pre-determined goals.

Even if you want to choose for joy, you likely don’t have a deep or refined enough understanding of self. You don’t necessarily have a clear handle on what would make you happy.

The Joychiever Journey is your practical guide to dealing with stress, discovering what makes your uniquely joyful, and taking steps to renovate your life.

The Alleviate Burnout and Design Your Life For More Joy program is based on the principles of The Joychiever Journey.

Tracy LaLonde was a burnt-out overachiever—until she committed to change and embarked on a journey to prevent others from falling prey to the same fate.

Tracy shares her comprehensive roadmap to uncovering your True Self and living your best life. With The Joychiever Journey as your guide during the Alleviate Burnout and Design Your Life for More Joy program, you’ll explore the “7 True Self Stops.”

Each stop helps you to dive into and peel back the layers of your authentic self.

Alleviate Burnout and Design Your Life for More Joy

Overcome your innate negativity bias to find more joy

Leverage your personal values to align with what you really want out of life

Identify your “most joyous” strengths to enjoy your work more

Engage in hobbies to help you unplug and recharge

Learn why stress management, sleep and exercise are effective supplements for maximum performance

Focus on joy-inducing friendships rather than joy-robbing ones

Re-energize weekly with guilt-free “ME” time

What Others Have Said

“I now see a path toward transforming my life to be fulfilling, successful AND joyful, all at the same time.”


“This is for people who always do too much, rarely say no, and end up feeling miserable. I recommend Joychiever for anyone feeling stuck.”

Find the strategies that will effectively work for you to create the life you want.

Why Alleviate Burnout and Design Your Life for More Joy?

This course is for you if you…

  • Are struggling with burnout

  • Question if all the professional effort is worth the infrequent, fleeting glimpses of contentment

  • Hope there’s more to life than non-stop activity filled with stress, anxiety and worry

  • Feel stymied in life but don’t know how to start to get unstuck

  • Want to enjoy your success without sacrificing your family, friend and health

  • Have read The Joychiever Journey and want to take a deeper dive

A live workshop version of Alleviate Burnout and Design Your Life for More Joy is available for businesses.


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To learn more or to book Tracy LaLonde for your next event, contact