Joy Journal
Every Friday, you can receive the Joy Journal, which will give you information, inspiration and tips that you can use in your pursuit for joy.
A 24-Hr Rule
“Savor the Achievement”
For an overachiever, the need to climb is strong. The desire for success compels us to push harder and harder. We make plans, lists and goals for advancement. We enjoy checking things off a list.
But what happens when we achieve that goal or successfully finish that project? I find that most overachievers are either 1) Instantaneously criticizing what wasn’t perfect or evaluating what they could do better next time, or 2) Immediately onto the next project.
We take little time to appreciate the accomplishment, acknowledge the positive outcome or appreciate others who contributed to the goal. Enough, I say!
I would like to suggest a new rule. I call it the “Savor the Achievement” rule. You must take 24-hours to simply savor the accomplishment. You cannot move to the next thing. You cannot criticize what happened.
After 24 hours, you can do all of that, but for the first 24 hours, just rest. Rest in the achievement. Relax and take your foot of the gas for a brief time. Find joy that you accomplished what you set out to do.
Past Journals
Performance management reimagined
Building a culture of continuous improvement
Why Knowing the Big Picture Matters
A more effective way to delegate
Empower Decision Making
Harness the 90/10 Framework