Joy Journal
Every Friday, you can receive the Joy Journal, which will give you information, inspiration and tips that you can use in your pursuit for joy.
Flower Power
An Ode to the Daffodil
March is an interesting month. Named after the Roman god of War—Mars, it was originally the first month of the year in the Roman calendar. It comes “in like a lion, out like a lamb.” The Spring Equinox occurs in March, and Daylight Savings Time gives us an extra hour of sunlight at the end of the day.
Everything about March signals rebirth, growth, and new beginnings, especially the daffodil.
When you see the daffodil start to peek out of the ground, you know there is hope. The cold, doldrums of winter are coming to an end.
The yellow daffodil symbolizes creativity, inspiration, renewal, vitality and inspiration. Its flower is shaped like a trumpet—announcing the arrival of spring. And scientists are even studying a compound from the daffodil that may slow the growth of some cancers.
So this is my ode to the daffodil. May it brighten your mood as it does mine!
Past Journals
Performance management reimagined
Building a culture of continuous improvement
Why Knowing the Big Picture Matters
A more effective way to delegate
Empower Decision Making
Harness the 90/10 Framework