Joy Journal

Every Friday, you can receive the Joy Journal, which will give you information, inspiration and tips that you can use in your pursuit for joy.


G is for Generosity

A Rocket Fuel for Friendships

Generosity can supercharge a friendship, and that kindness doesn’t have to be large. In fact, as Margaret Cho quote says, sometimes it’s the small things that matter most.
I know that I could be more generous with my close friends. But, sometimes:
  • I get too busy and don’t think about it, or
  • I assume no news is good news, or
  • I get consumed with the events of work and life.
Other times, I need simple ideas that can be implemented easily. I often think about ways I can be generous but am unable to execute on the idea, for some (good or not good) reason.
So here is a list of ideas that you could use to be generous with your BFF. Please use and reuse.
Compliment her hair. Stock his favorite beverage in your fridge. Send a funny text. Ask how her Wednesday is going. Arrive the morning of her kid’s birthday party to help clean the house. Support him on social media. Introduce her to another cool person. Send an UberEATS gift certificate. Offer to babysit children for an evening or the pet for a weekend. Drive the neighborhood carpool. Share one of your favorite books. Let him vent because there is no one else who listens like you. Take a walk around the block together after work. Snap a wonderful spontaneous photo with the family and put it in a frame. Invite her over for a chick flick and popcorn.
You get the idea. Now keep ‘em flowing. 

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