Joy Journal

Every Friday, you can receive the Joy Journal, which will give you information, inspiration and tips that you can use in your pursuit for joy.


It’s More Than Just Exhaustion

Burnout Includes Cynicism

Burnout is unresolved chronic stress.
Many people equate exhaustion with burnout, and indeed, it can be a component of burnout. But it isn’t the only aspect.
Another element of burnout is cynicism. Consider these questions.
  • Have you become cynical or critical at work?
  • Do you drag yourself to work and have trouble getting started?
  • Have you become irritable or impatient with co-workers, customers, or clients?
  • Do you lack satisfaction from your achievements?
  • Do you feel disillusioned about your job?
  • Are you distancing yourself from your teammates or the job?
If you answered “Yes” to one or more of these questions, you may be experiencing cynicism in your work. When your attitude shifts to the negative and become resentful, skeptical or distrusting of your work, team members or the company, you are experiencing burnout.
If this is happening for you, it is important to do some self-exploration to find the source of your discontent.
Is it the people around you? Is it the work you are doing? Is it the culture of your work environment? Have your values or perspectives changed?
Once you have clarity about the source of your discontent, you can take steps to resolve the situation.

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