Joy Journal

Every Friday, you can receive the Joy Journal, which will give you information, inspiration and tips that you can use in your pursuit for joy.


Recharge Your Batteries

Take a Mental Health Day

When was the last time that you took a mental health day—just for yourself? This time of year can get very stressful with work, family and a zillion holiday activities. Maybe you need to also schedule in a bit of time for yourself. Some time to breathe and do whatever you want to do for a day. You likely have (extra) PTO. Take it, don’t waste it!
What would you do? Here are some ideas:
Schedule a spa day. Go to a matinee movie and eat your favorite indulgent theatre snack. Lounge around in your comfy PJ’s. Read a fun novel. Binge watch a favorite show. Make a yummy recipe you’ve been meaning to try. Go shopping. Do yoga. Engage in a physical activity. Visit a museum. Take a walk outside. Go for a hike.
I’m feeling less stressed just thinking about all of these ideas. I’m taking my own advice scheduling a day off. When is yours?


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