Joy Journal

Every Friday, you can receive the Joy Journal, which will give you information, inspiration and tips that you can use in your pursuit for joy.


Success or Happiness

Which comes first?

A recent five-year study of nearly 1 million employees attempted to answer the question, “Does success make you happy or does happiness make you more likely to succeed?”
Joychiever and others posit that happiness creates success. Well, this study confirms that and goes a step further to say that happiness is also an indicator or predictor of performance. “High optimism predicts a greater odds of superior work performance.” Conversely, the study also shows that negativity can create subpar performance.
So, it’s got me thinking about the money that so many businesses are “throwing” at employees to try to get them to stay and prosper. I have heard that many team members don’t really want the money, in part because increased expectations often accompany the pay raise.
But also, it seems, many simply want less stress, more time to do their work or engage in their personal lives, and more enjoyment in the day-to-day.
If you are reading this journal as an individual or as a business leader, there is now proof that happiness matters. Put your foot down to make it a priority for yourself or your organization.

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