Joy Journal
Every Friday, you can receive the Joy Journal, which will give you information, inspiration and tips that you can use in your pursuit for joy.
The Lost Practice of Rest
An Essential Element of Productivity
Rest is proven to be good for our bodies, minds and spirits. Athletes need to let their muscles repair in order to prevent injury. Creativity increases tremendously when we step away from our work for a spell. Personal growth requires self-reflection and introspection.
Yet, in today’s fast-paced world and for many who now work where you live, the notion of rest has been put on a very large backburner. I get it. It’s a struggle for me, too. In fact, as I write this journal, I have 7 minutes to complete and edit it so I can do the workout that I promised myself today.
Unfortunately, we can’t see the immediate impact of not resting because it is more of a slow burn kind of thing. Yet, if you can pursue more regular moments of rest, you will experience:
- Less stress
- A healthier body
- More creativity and productivity
- Deeper relationships
- Better balance
Please join me on the pursuit of rest and let me know how it is going for you. I promise to keep you posted, as well. In fact, I’ve made my deadline with myself with one minute to spare. I’m off to my spin class!
Past Journals
Performance management reimagined
Building a culture of continuous improvement
Why Knowing the Big Picture Matters
A more effective way to delegate
Empower Decision Making
Harness the 90/10 Framework