Joy Journal

Every Friday, you can receive the Joy Journal, which will give you information, inspiration and tips that you can use in your pursuit for joy.


Vacation or Holiday?

Whichever you call it, take it!

The concept of a vacation has been elusive since the start of the pandemic, and I am heartened to hear my friends and clients planning trips for the summer. Dr. Mike shares great scientific research in the video below of all of the benefits we will reap this summer.
Unfortunately, pandemic or not, Americans do a poor job of taking their allotted, paid time off. More than half of us don’t use vacation because of guilt, fear of being perceived as uncommitted or the hassle factor of catching up afterwards, amongst other reasons.
Here is research that overachievers need to pay attention to: Vacations improve productivity!
Researcher Mark Rosekind of Alertness Solutions found that the respite effect of a vacation can increase performance by 80%. Additionally, people who take more than 10 vacation days have a 65.4% chance of receiving a raise or bonus.
So, this leads me to a joy-inducing conclusion: Want to be more successful in your work and career? Take vacation!

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