Joy Journal
Every Friday, you can receive the Joy Journal, which will give you information, inspiration and tips that you can use in your pursuit for joy.
A Creative Solution to Battle Loneliness
A few months ago, many companies were feverishly creating safety protocols so that employees could return to the office this month. With the Delta variant, many of these plans have been delayed. For some of you this may be good news; for some, bad news; and for others, it doesn’t matter because you’ve been going to your workplace all along.
While WFH has its benefits, it can certainly take an emotional toll. Loneliness, “always on” pressure and Zoom fatigue are real issues in today’s work. Setting boundaries has been a particular challenge for me.
So, when I came across this article about two friends co-working, I had to share it with you. It is a creative way to combat loneliness and regain comradery at “work.” Additionally, while co-working spaces took a major hit at the beginning of COVID, they are on the rise as people want to escape the confines of their homes to work.
It is such an interesting time for creativity and pushing the boundaries for how we get work done while getting paid. If you are aware of other creative arrangements, I’d love to hear them.
Past Journals
Performance management reimagined
Building a culture of continuous improvement
Why Knowing the Big Picture Matters
A more effective way to delegate
Empower Decision Making
Harness the 90/10 Framework