Joy Journal
Every Friday, you can receive the Joy Journal, which will give you information, inspiration and tips that you can use in your pursuit for joy.
What Does Happiness in the Workplace Look Like?
It’s not too far-fetched to think that work and happiness can coexist.
Happiness in the workplace often gets misconstrued with terms like engagement, satisfaction, and contentment.
However, happiness in the workplace can be broken down into three factors: appreciation, impact, and improvement.
When team members feel that they are being appreciated for their work, are making an impact on the business as a whole, and are improving in their role, they stay engaged in everyday workplace happenings and feel a sense of responsibility in helping the business they work for grow.
But what makes team members happy at work?
And why are colleagues so good for business?
Here are a few actionable insights and tactics that will help you answer the question of how to keep team members happy in the workplace.
Why are Happy Team Members Good for Business?
They are Better Decision-Makers
In the workplace, an impulsive decision is usually not the right one.
The best decisions come with time spent carefully planning and gaining a unique understanding of all the effects an important business decision can have. However, if a team member doesn’t have the time or bandwidth to consider all of these factors, a hastily made decision could be lying in wait at any moment.
That is why increased team member morale is integral to any happy work environment. When team members aren’t burnt out, stressed, or distracted in their roles, they use better judgment.
So, when thinking about important decisions and what makes team members happy at work, time is of the essence.
They are More Productive
We are beginning to realize through research that forcing employees to work longer than eight hours a day is not the key to unlocking their full productivity potential. The real key is understanding what makes employees happy at work. When employees are happier, they tend to be more engaged and excited about their work, thereby creating a higher quality output in less time. Because of this, businesses see a high level of engagement. Next time there is a downturn in profits, instead of blaming it on the productivity of employees, first try learning how to keep employees happy.
They are Innovators
Great businesses do not solely rely on productivity and sales as a metric for success; they try to push the boundaries of their field through innovation.
According to Adobe, one of the lead innovators in their space, what makes team members happy at work is when employers foster creativity in the workplace. In fact, promoting creativity leads to a 76% increase in happiness among employees. This gives team members the freedom to express themselves thanks to a happy work environment that is optimal for encouraging ingenuity and finding solutions to problems that were otherwise thought to be unsolvable.
What Makes Team Members Happy at Work?
Now that you know why it is important to keep employees happy at work, it’s time to learn how to keep them happy.
Check out some of these workplace tactics to keep morale high (and burnout low).
Find the Balance Between Work and Life
More and more employers are learning that what makes team members happy at work is a healthy balance between work and life, as well as being able to easily separate the two.
In fact, 72% of workers believe work-life balance is a very important factor when initially choosing a job – think about how much it means after they’ve been around for months, or even years!
Assistant executive director of the American Psychological Association David Ballard argues that for there to be a positive work-life balance, employers need to show team members that their job is more than just a job; it is an important factor in their pursuit of a rich and fulfilling life.
Encourage Communication
Communication is essential in learning what makes team members happy at work. To do this, make sure communication is not only an expectation in the workplace but something that is looked forward to by everyone.
Whether that be through scheduling weekly one-on-one meetings, brainstorming sessions, or simply setting up a central common area, motivating team members to learn more about each other will create bonds that instill trust, respect, and value between one another.
And don’t leave it all up to them!
Make sure that managers, bosses, and supervisors get in on the action too, making themselves a part of the team and becoming a friend as well as a leader.
Recognize Greatness
Did someone do something great around the office, for the business, or for someone else? It’s important to let everyone know. A leader who establishes celebrations for those who do a good job and is sincere in their gratitude towards their employees is valued, and it makes people want to work harder on their behalf. It doesn’t have to be big either! Talking about one’s accomplishments, wins, or simply appreciating the work of someone else does more than you think in creating a happy workplace environment that cherishes hard work. Check out some of these creative ways to celebrate achievements consistently in the workplace.
Want to find out more about what makes team members happy at work?
Learn much more about this, managing professional success, and the pursuit of joy with Tracy LaLonde’s 5- star book, The Joychiever Journey.
Past Journals
Performance management reimagined
Building a culture of continuous improvement
Why Knowing the Big Picture Matters
A more effective way to delegate
Empower Decision Making
Harness the 90/10 Framework