Joy Journal
Every Friday, you can receive the Joy Journal, which will give you information, inspiration and tips that you can use in your pursuit for joy.
“You can have it all, just not all at once.”
A Quote from Oprah
A couple of weeks ago, the Joy Journal was a compilation of quotes. I would like to dive into a few of them more deeply in subsequent newsletters.
First up—You can have it all, just not all at once, courtesy of Oprah Winfrey.
Boy, does this one resonate. Joychiever is the third business that I’ve started. (Technically, the first one was already a business, but I had to start and grow my own practice, so it was essentially the same thing.)
I have BIG plans…BIG. I lie awake at night, dreaming up so many cool ideas and amazing results for Joychiever. I truly feel that I am on a mission to help everyone I can to avoid burnout and find more joy in their lives.
Yet, it’s incredibly overwhelming. Making choices between planting myself at my desk for as many hours as my bum can handle and using time for joyful activities has been a struggle. I’ve had to talk myself off the overachiever ledge many times.
Similar to Oprah’s quote, I am trying to grow more comfortable with simply placing one foot in front of the other…calmly. I am focusing on turning down that feeling of frustration because things aren’t happening fast enough. I am working on setting reasonable deadlines and letting it be okay if it’s one or two months later than I thought it would be.
I will have it all…when it’s ready to be had. And I WILL enjoy the ride along the way.
Past Journals
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Why Knowing the Big Picture Matters
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