Joy is Good Business

Weekly Insights to Help You Reach Your Business Objectives



Is 30 the new 50?

When it comes to careers, 30 may be the new 50. Millennials are one of the hardest hit groups when it comes to burnout. The current average burnout rate for all workers is 52%, but for millennials, it’s 59%. Additionally, a September 2020 survey from OnePoll found that the average worker feels “career burnout” by 32.
With Millennials currently spanning 25-40 years old, there may be some legitimate reasons for their pain.
  • The Hustle Generation – Older millennials graduated from college during Great Recession of 2008. Jobs were scarce, and they had to work hard to find gainful employment. Since then, they have felt the pressure to perform to keep the job and advance up the ranks.
  • The Sandwich Generation – Many people in this generation are working, having families and caring for aging parents. They are being pulled in all directions, and for some, feeling like they are failing on all fronts.
  • The Digital Generation – Millennials are the first generation to grow up with technology. The downside of that is they are always connected to and followed by work. Boundaries are challenging to maintain and disconnection is hard to come by.
Given that many Millennials are the largest working generation, businesses would do well to find ways to help them with exhaustion. You can begin by engaging in an open discussion about what they need and how you can support them. Then, give them a dose of tough love to help—or make—them actually disconnect and recharge. Better yet, give them copies of The Joychiever Journey. The roadmap for rejuvenation is there for them.

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