Joy Journal

Every Friday, you can receive the Joy Journal, which will give you information, inspiration and tips that you can use in your pursuit for joy.


The Fall Equinox

A Time to Focus on Balance

The Fall Equinox occurred this past Wednesday. As the first day of Fall, it signals the transition to shorter days and longer nights. It is also an important time for reflection.
But first, a bit about equinox. There are two equinoxes each year—Fall and Spring. The equinox is the point in time that the sun crosses the equator, and the length of day and night are basically the equal. Because of this, the equinox is celebrated as a day of balance—day and night.
The autumnal equinox is a nod to harvest, so it is a great time to create a list of what you are thankful for. (Plus, it will help you prepare for the Thanksgiving dinner ritual of sharing it out loud with your loved ones.) What in your life do you want to mark and memorialize?
It could also be a time to create equilibrium in your home. Engage in a deep fall cleaning. Gather and donate the things you don’t need to make space for inner abundance.
Once you’ve cleared space, literally and metaphorically, you can set some goals or start a new project. Why wait for the new year?
Finally, get outside and connect with nature. Fall is a beautiful time in all regions of the US. Take it all in—colors, smells, foods, holidays. Lift your face to the fall sun and let it envelop you. Then just breathe.

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